Over the last few months I've discovered that there has to be a balance between family, work, and social lives. After being separated from my family for a while it was difficult integrating back into the family structure. Over the years I have changed, grown, and become so different from my family that merging back into my family presents challenges. Now with the new house in Austin, I have to find ways of balancing my time between Austin and Plain Dealing.
I need to be in Austin to earn an income, visit clients, and hang out with my friends. In Plain Dealing I only have my family, which I enjoy being with, but at times believe that I am in the role of parent for all of them because I feel that if I don't provide directions, guidance and instructions then things wouldn't progress or change here. Loving people presents challenges on its own level, but when it's family, it's even harder. Having a strong desire to see them grow and become the responsible people I know they can be, have them realize the importance of actively teaching their children, and hoping that they begin to become more aware of what is going on around them. I will have to trust that the universe will bring them to where they need to be when they need to be there.
I know that the universe is presenting the opportunities for me now in Austin, so I have to do what I need to do for me. That includes spending more time in Austin. Hopefully by spending more time in Austin then I will begin to enjoy my time in Louisiana even more. Then there is the question of the Nursery. It's something I desire, but at the same time realize that in order for it to succeed then I have to work in Austin. It will be up to my family to take responsibility here and take care of things while I'm gone.
I hope during these changes that my family will grow, that they will understand why I need to take care of myself and the one business that is generating income, and how these changes will help us all grow together. I trust that the universe will bring the best together for all of us. Blessings, and ask yourself, "Where am I to be today?"