Today, while I was doing chores around the farm, I ran across two turtles walking across my path. I amazed at their size and how far they were from the pond. They kept staring at me but didn't hide away in their shells. I knew they must have a message for me, so I had to look it up. I have to admit, that this message hit home today. Here is the message from the turtle:
Turtle is the oldest symbol for the Earth.
It is the personification of goddess energy and the eternal Earth itself.
If you have a Turtle totem,
you must be mindful of returning to the Earth what she has given you.
Honor the creative source within you.
Use water and earth energies to create a harmonious flow in your life.
Ask the Earth for assistance and her riches will pour forth.
If a Turtle totem shows up in your life,
slow down the pace of your life.
Bigger, stronger, faster are not always the best ways to reach your goals.
Turtle is fine teacher of the art of grounding.
When you learn to ground yourself to Earth's power and strength,
you place focus on your thoughts and actions
and use the Earth's limitless energies rather than your own to accomplish your will.
Turtle is the keeper of doors
and one of the ways into the Faerie Realm.
Yes, grounding myself, slowing down, connecting with Earth's power, focusing my thoughts are important to me. Since I've been asking the Universe to open some doors lately, see the post about the Raven where I asked the Raven to carry my dreams out into the universe, then I'm not surprised that the turtles were here to help me open the doors, and I'm excited about the doors into the Faerie Realm, as there is wonderful magic there that frees the mind, lifts the spirits, and brings wonder to thoughts and beliefs.