Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Turtle

Today, while I was doing chores around the farm, I ran across two turtles walking across my path. I amazed at their size and how far they were from the pond. They kept staring at me but didn't hide away in their shells. I knew they must have a message for me, so I had to look it up. I have to admit, that this message hit home today. Here is the message from the turtle:

Turtle is the oldest symbol for the Earth.
It is the personification of goddess energy and the eternal Earth itself.

If you have a Turtle totem,
you must be mindful of returning to the Earth what she has given you.
Honor the creative source within you.
Use water and earth energies to create a harmonious flow in your life.
Ask the Earth for assistance and her riches will pour forth.

If a Turtle totem shows up in your life,
slow down the pace of your life.
Bigger, stronger, faster are not always the best ways to reach your goals.

Turtle is fine teacher of the art of grounding.
When you learn to ground yourself to Earth's power and strength,
you place focus on your thoughts and actions
and use the Earth's limitless energies rather than your own to accomplish your will.

Turtle is the keeper of doors
and one of the ways into the Faerie Realm.

Yes, grounding myself, slowing down, connecting with Earth's power, focusing my thoughts are important to me. Since I've been asking the Universe to open some doors lately, see the post about the Raven where I asked the Raven to carry my dreams out into the universe, then I'm not surprised that the turtles were here to help me open the doors, and I'm excited about the doors into the Faerie Realm, as there is wonderful magic there that frees the mind, lifts the spirits, and brings wonder to thoughts and beliefs.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Advancing Credentials in Australia

As the years have passed, as I have seen how my work has assisted people, and since I'm stepping out into new business ventures and expanding old ones, I've decided to expand my learning. Master Feng, a descendant of the Founding Father of Feng Shui – King Wen, is holding a Feng Shui practitioner training in Sydney, Australia. He is only holding the trainings in Australia this year, so I have to request that the Universe allow me the opportunity to make this trip.

Since I have never been to Australia, but have always wanted to visit, I've decided to set intentions to save funds and work extra hard to make this trip. I have set aside a few weeks for the trip so I can explore some of the beautiful Australian Outback and wonders of Sydney.

The course, with the Out of Country Savings is $2,988.
The round trip airfare is $1,500.
Hotel in Sydney for the training is $700.
Spending money for the rest of the trip is $3,500.
Total: $8,988.

Thus, I'm thanking the Universe for bringing me the clients to fund this additional training and adventure in late October through the end of November. I trust that by setting this intention here that I'll be reminded to set other intentions to support this one. Now, to get to work and save enough money to fund this trip and education.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Raven's Magic

According to Jamie Sams and David Carson, in their excellent book Medicine Cards (which accompanies a beautiful deck of animal cards), Raven's medicine is magic. She is the Great Mystery of the Void.

Black, to Native Americans, is a color of magical power, and only to be feared if misused. Raven symbolizes the void - the mystery of that which is not yet formed. Ravens are symbolic of the Black Hole in Space, which draws in all energy toward itself and releases it in new forms. The iridescent blue and green that can be seen in the glossy black feathers of the raven represents the constant change of forms and shapes that emerge from the vast blackness of the void. In Native American tradition, Raven is the guardian of both ceremonial magic and healing circles. She is also the patron of smoke signals.

Raven's element is air, and she is a messenger spirit, which Native American shamans use to project their magic over great distances.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Views, not opinions

Believing that living in a space that lifts your spirits, that allows you to find relaxation, and that brings you closer to the natural environment is important, I wanted to share some of the views from the spaces where I reside. The first few photos are from the Cabin in Louisiana and the last view is from the house in Austin.

This is the view from my cabin out North. You can see the Wealth Garden that is being constructed using an old satellite dish. In the future this garden area will have some flowering trees and a lot of natural flowers.

This is the big window view out onto the lake. It also shows the new palm tree. In the future there will be an arbored patio area off of this window which will allow me to sit outside by the lake.

This view is out from my bathroom onto the back yard. My dog's large run is out there, along with the back patio area.

This is the view from the roof top patio at the Austin home. Kendree Custom Homes built the house and Shannon Schmitz, a Turnquist Partners Realtor, arranged for me to get this awesome home.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Growing a Business

Now that the universe has prepared a place for me in Austin, my business is growing, and I have the opportunity to create the life I desire I have to find new and creative ways of growing my business - St.Troy Consulting & Design. I have been providing Feng Shui consults for home owners, businesses, and Realtors (through Listing Consults where we prepare the home for market) for years now. The opportunities are growing now in Austin for my business talents and I have to find ways to fund new aspects.

The biggest aspect I am now asking the universe to bring about is assistance in funding the new Staging Rentals service. In order to be able to reach my target audience in Austin I need to purchase around $30,000 in furniture so it will be on hand to rent to clients for staging homes. I am looking for either one investor or several investors with either the cash or the credit to finance the purchase of the upscale furniture, accessories, artwork, and other items needed for this new service.

I know that my new service will do very well, because I have researched and know my competition. I already have the client base to support the new service and the contacts to further it. Now to have the universe bring about the needs for this service. I'm open to any opportunity that the universe may bring concerning this, so I'll keep my eyes, ears, and heart open to what is out there.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in partnering with me to build this new service for my company, please let me know. The question now is, "How to move forward without fear, trusting that the universe will bring things about, and believing that this is the place I am to be?"

Finding a Balance

Over the last few months I've discovered that there has to be a balance between family, work, and social lives. After being separated from my family for a while it was difficult integrating back into the family structure. Over the years I have changed, grown, and become so different from my family that merging back into my family presents challenges. Now with the new house in Austin, I have to find ways of balancing my time between Austin and Plain Dealing.

I need to be in Austin to earn an income, visit clients, and hang out with my friends. In Plain Dealing I only have my family, which I enjoy being with, but at times believe that I am in the role of parent for all of them because I feel that if I don't provide directions, guidance and instructions then things wouldn't progress or change here. Loving people presents challenges on its own level, but when it's family, it's even harder. Having a strong desire to see them grow and become the responsible people I know they can be, have them realize the importance of actively teaching their children, and hoping that they begin to become more aware of what is going on around them. I will have to trust that the universe will bring them to where they need to be when they need to be there.

I know that the universe is presenting the opportunities for me now in Austin, so I have to do what I need to do for me. That includes spending more time in Austin. Hopefully by spending more time in Austin then I will begin to enjoy my time in Louisiana even more. Then there is the question of the Nursery. It's something I desire, but at the same time realize that in order for it to succeed then I have to work in Austin. It will be up to my family to take responsibility here and take care of things while I'm gone.

I hope during these changes that my family will grow, that they will understand why I need to take care of myself and the one business that is generating income, and how these changes will help us all grow together. I trust that the universe will bring the best together for all of us. Blessings, and ask yourself, "Where am I to be today?"