Obtaining a nice tan hasn't been on my list of intentions, however, it's difficult not to obtain one when you spend every afternoon on the beach. Having come to visit my best friend, Jorge, and his partner, Rick, has been good. Puerto Vallarta is a beautiful city, although it seems to be over ran with tourists. The white sand beaches are ever full of handsome men in skimpy swim suits, which only leads to enjoyment of sitting on the beach every afternoon. But while here I've been thinking about my return to Austin.
While I was in Austin I received some wonderful gifts from a friend and client, Rebecca. Such gifts have allowed me to enjoy my stay here in Puerto Vallarta. The best gift was not the financial ones, but rather the friendship that was shown upon my return and the time spent together. I greatly enjoyed our walk around Town Lake, which was our custom in days before I departed the country. Rebecca had also informed Shannon and several others that I was in town, which allowed me to be able to attend Sam and Carol's birthday party. It was a delight to see everyone after such an absence. I'm beginning to believe in that old adage of 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.'
My stay with my friend Thumper, who opened his apartment to me, was a great chance to get better acquainted with him. He proved to be a great assistant while I attended to two new clients, a great chauffuer, and a good companion.
I'm not sure what life will be like through till May in a large unfurnished house and with no car, but I hope it will give me time to get more progress on my book and to find some time for further relaxation. Even while I've been here in Puerto Vallarta I've been restless, which was the cause of a day long hike down the beach where I discovered some awesome sand scupltures. I was going to get photos but quickly learned that the camera hadn't been placed in the small backpack.
Friends are wonderful people that I couldn't imagen not having in my life, as they provide such great warmth of spirit. I know it's not easy for them to be my friend, but I'm thankful that I have found such friends that work with me through my ongoing struggle with Bi-polar. Thank you to everyone of you for sticking with me through those times when I am blue.