Over the last few days, even though I've spent time with wonderful people, I've felt very alone. Is it that people who I have developed friendships over the years have gone or is it that I have greatly offended them. I figure I've offended a lot of people over the years, but have tried hard not to offend those who meant something to me lately. Perhaps I haven't changed that much, even though I feel that I have. I'm alone, even in a sea of people, always locked inside of my head, my thoughts, and wondering why I'm alone. I suppose I've always been alone. Such are the thoughts of my mind, but in reality I suppose even though I know I have great friends, that I'm alone.
What type of legacy shall I leave, or is it even important to leave a legacy? I suppose not, for such as I, that are born alone, live alone, and shall die alone shall never have a legacy, for we shall be as quickly forgotten as when we were born into this world. Maybe being alone, misunderstood, and such isn't so bad. But for now, I'm alone again, as usual, and trying to determine what I've done to deserve such as the way I've been treated of late.
Oh well, it's not that important, I suppose. If people cannot find a way to communicate that I have offended them or hurt them, then what am I to do. If one doesn't know then how can one make ammends, but then again, am I wrong in my thoughts and opinions?