Well, if you'd really like to know more about the Virgin of Guadalupe, then I suggest you do a search on the internet because I couldn't find a lot. The holiday is actually a Mexican holiday, but celebrated here as well because Guatemala used to be part of Mexico. It is the day they celebrate the virgin's appearance to a young man who eventually is responsible for the Catholicism of the country. Yesterday was marked by all sorts of sounds, smells, and sights.
The small park outside the Iglesia La Merced was full of people, small displays by different family groups, and vendors with all sorts of food. We walked along the crowds taking photos and enjoying the colorful costumes that the children wore. It seems that when the children reach a certain age they don't want to dress up any more. As we were walking around tasting various kinds of foods (some we enjoyed, some were awful) suddenly there were explosions of sounds as the fireworks went off near the church marking the beginning of the procession. Soon thereafter the people started emerging from the church and into the street. The children placed flower petals along the street in front of the casket that carried the virgin of Guadelupe. I still haven't figured out what the four graves symbolized on the casket. One woman strew pine straw on the street with strings of flowers.
The streets filled quickly as the procession continued out of the church and into the streets. The festival continued well into midnight when the bands played and more fireworks commenced, however, I was tired so I went to bed early. But I did hear the festival out of my windows.
Here are some of the photos:
Inside the Iglesia la Merced, where it all began.
One of the statues inside the church of the virgin of Guadelupe.
Some views of the park where it was going on.
Some photos of the different family group's alters.
Photos of what it was like in the street.
Photos of some of the children.