As time passes and I am drawn back into the world of responsibility I’m finding that I desire to go back to work. Yes, I know that the consulting company is up and running, however, it’s not always a dependable income, thus the desire to a regular income that produces some type of security. I’ve been thinking about contacting a local temporary employment agency and just doing temporary work and then informing them that I will only be available for three weeks each month. This way, hopefully, I’ll be able to keep the consulting company going and also earn some other income to help pay bills and live some. The main reason for the desire to earn a regular income is so I can afford to start buying the things needed for Harmony Hills Growers.
In order for Harmony Hills Growers to become a reality I’ll have to slowly get things going. I’ll have to build a greenhouse; create some experimental show gardens create some growing beds for the various bulbs, flowers, and other things we’ll be growing; and buy the various supplies needed to start plants from seeds and cuttings. I realize that Harmony Hills is going to be a long-term project, so I have to find ways to bring in some income until such a time that I have everything going here. The other aspect of working is that it will allow me some human contact other than my family, allow my mind to be challenged, and give me something to do while I’m in Louisiana.
Work has already begun on the Fairie Glen as the wonderful Karen from the local nursery has again provided some free plants – Elephant Ears, Caladiums, Chocolate Mint, regular Mint, Orange Mint, Purple Basil, Strawberries, and a whole lot of other things that are now all almost planted. We, my brother-in-law and I, have begun the process of digging out the pathway that will swirl through the space and the area where the future water feature will be located. Karen has been providing us plants that we can grow and easily propagate for future sale. The once barren area of land is now becoming an enchanted garden space. I still need lots of dirt, mulch and a lot of other plants, but it’s starting to come along.
The Vera B. Lee Memorial Rose Garden is blooming out nicely. There are yellow roses, pink roses, red roses, mixed roses with strips and things, climbing roses, miniature roses, regular roses and tree roses. I hope to be able to keep expanding the rose garden until I have a whole area full of each color of rose. The idea is to create a Red Garden, a Yellow Garden, a Purple Garden, a Blue Garden, and a White Garden. Each one of these gardens will have a special rose garden within it. The flowers that I’ve been working with all summer are blooming and growing nicely, even the tomatoes, banana peppers and beets are doing well. My brother-in-law loves to cook and has been creating stuffed banana peppers for us, which taste really good. Maybe one day when Harmony Hills is up and running then he can prepare such things for the dinner guests. I see him being the chef since he’s such a great cook and really enjoys cooking.
Well, I suppose the whole purpose of this writing is to convince myself that I should get out there and find some other sources of income. It seems that even when the universe is bringing us some things, there are still other things that need money to be bought. Although I’m very thankful for the many gifts, even the items being bought are provided at very good rates. It seems that maybe a dream will come true. I’ll just have to stick with it and see it through.
Thought for now: What are you doing to make your dreams come true? As I’ve been reading from the I Ching I’ve been learning that there are times to do nothing and allow the Creative to bring things about, but also that there are times when we are to move ahead. It’s in listening to the Sage to know when to move ahead and when to stop and be still. Last night’s I Ching reading was all about moving ahead, thus I’m going to be spending the day moving ahead. Blessed Be.