Sometimes it seems difficult to even want to wake up in the mornings because the cares of this world appear to be too heavy to bear. However, I’ve been waking up every morning because Roadie needs to go outside. He’s such a great companion. I’ve never felt such love and acceptance. Lately I’ve began to give up on life, on my family and on society in general because it appears that no one cares about anything, so why should I. I know that this isn’t the case, but I’m just expressing what I’ve been feeling. I know that there are people who care, who love and who enjoy life. I came to Louisiana to help my sister and to have a temporary place to live for a bit. I’m now eager to move and allow them to live their lives so I can live mine. I’m not sure what tomorrow holds in store, shucks, I’m not even sure what today holds in store. All I know is that I’m not supposed to give up. I’m to believe in the Higher Power, Fate, the Sage, and mostly in the power of good within people.
It’s hard sometimes to believe in the power of good, but I’m learning to look past what appears to be at present and see that the path we follow is the purpose of life – just to be and to follow our path no matter where it leads. It’s this “just being” that seems to get me. I’ve always dreamed, probably dreams that are bigger than I, or this world, can achieve, but I still dream. The trouble is that the dreaming seems to cause me great stress in that when I live in my dream worlds and then look at my real world I get depressed. I suppose it’s OK to dream, however, I believe that I should keep a firm grounding in the real world and just accept what is. I’m a poor man materially, I’m a rich man intellectually and spiritually, and I’m not alone. Yes, I have to learn that the life I have is the life I’m meant to live in this physical existence.
Last night’s I Ching reading was about giving up on everything, so I suppose it was important for me to read it. It said that I shouldn’t give up because when we do then the Higher Power takes a step back and allows us to live and learn on our own without it’s help. When we believe the Higher Power steps back in to help guide us. I’m constantly reminded that when I believe great things can happen, even when it appears that nothing can. I’ve witnessed this throughout my life. So I suppose the question is why do I stop believing?
Thought for now: Do you believe even when the people and events around you appear to be hopeless? What I see around me with the physical eye is only one part of the picture and I’m learning that I need to see with my spiritual eyes. When I can see with my spiritual eyes then what is fades away into what shall be. Why do I stop believing in the power of good, the power of the Higher Power? I suppose it’s because I look too intently upon the events around me and get mired down in the depths of despair. “And a child shall lead them.” I’ve heard this many times and only now is it starting to make since. It’s through having the innocence of a child, the heart of a child, and the wonder of a child’s eyes that life is enjoyed. Not in wanting, desiring, or demanding, but in just humbly accepting what is and looking at it with grace and wonder.