An UPDATE: Well, after I wrote the first part of this I had hopes of being on a flight, even several times delayed, to Austin, however, the universe had other ideas in mind. Now I'm sitting in the main area of the Atlanta airport waiting for a flight in the morning at 6:30 AM, because after several delays, boarding and sitting on the plane for an hour, the flight was canceled. Now, it wasn't only I put out by all of this, you should have seen the chaos as what seemed liked thousands of people hurried to get to a Delta agent to get a new flight and find out if they were going to get accommodations for the night, which much to my dismay, I didn't, nor did anyone else. If an airline cancels a flight, they should provide some sort of accommodations if they cannot book another flight that day. But alas, I'm now trying to sort out what type of sleeping arrangements I can find here, as most of the chairs, benches, and floors are taken up with various sorts probably asking themselves the same questions I'm asking about tonight.
Now here is the original Post:
It’s raining here in Atlanta as I watch the slow moving line of planes make their way along the tarmac for their turn to take off into that dark, gray, wet, and foreboding sky. There’s a woman with a small child, probably around 2, playing in front of me, with others around doing various things from drinking coffee to taking naps. The gray skies match my mood of sadness on this day. Although I’ve been able to utilize clean toilets (where you actually get to put the toilet paper in the toilet and not in the trash can), to eat a great Checker’s burger, and been able to sit in a clean space I find myself missing something that was left behind. Or is it, I presume, is a part of me that was left behind, that part of me that longs for travel and adventure, to be free from the restraints of society, of family and obligations?
Yes, I’ll freely admit that I’ve never liked having restraints of any kind placed upon me, perhaps that is why I do not have a boyfriend and why I struggle with relationships of any kind. Is it this fear of being trapped, restricted, or what I perceive as limited in some way that is keeping me from finding a meaningful relationship? Yes, it could be, and so much more.
What amusements, what sundry ridicules, what pains, and what pleasures lie ahead in Austin I can only speculate, but I’m here watching the tiny rain droplets gather force along the large windows, slowly gathering force to create a small stream of water, and thinking of things to come. The planes move slowly further along their path and the little boy is still playing joyfully with his mother, while I sit here typing and awaiting the call over the speakers to board the flight for Austin.
Still waiting, waiting, longing, ready to go, but alas, due to the weather here there has been a delay. There might be yet another delay because we were supposed to board a few minutes ago, but they haven’t said anything about boarding. I keep an ever-watchful eye on the attendant and an open ear to hear the announcements over the speakers.
I’ve called Thumper, my friend that has offered his place as a refuge, and my friend Rebecca, who I will be spending all day Monday with to catch up. Now I’m sitting on the tile floor because that is the only place where a power-point station is for the laptop and I’m posting this message, checking emails, and making use of the now free time. What awaits me upon my return only time will tell, however, I return a changed man with new beliefs about what I can accomplish.