Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Cry!

Lately I've been feeling very sad. I haven't been watching much news or even listening to it on the radio, however, I I've listened and watch some lately and I've become very sad. I've been watching the people on the streets, listening to the stories that people tell, and becoming saddened by the state of affairs of our leaders and the lack of concern by the masses. Why is it that all of us sit by without concern of what our leaders are doing? Why is it that we only become involved when something threatens our personal lives.

If anyone reads this, I encourage you to write, call, or do what ever you need to do to let our governments know that they are leading us in the wrong directions. We do not want wars, but peace. We want our taxes managed effectively. We want our children properly educated. We want to stop global warming and the abuse of our earth. We want our freedoms back. We want to know that the large corporations aren't lying to us and stealing our hard earned money.

Why is it that we allow banks to charge such unreasonable fees? Why is it that we don't hold our leaders accountable? Why is it that we can sit by and watch the world spin into chaos? I think perhaps it's because we feel we have no control of it all. That isn't the case, but it does require us to get involved and take action.

Because of my sadness I wrote a poem, as I do when my feelings begin to overwhelm me.

I Cry!

February 14, 2007

I see.

I see those without a home.

I see those trying to speak who have no voice.

I see the abuse of governors, governments.

I see the blind trying to find their way.

I see!

Can you see?

I feel.

I feel the loneliness of those without a home.

I feel the frustration of those who have no voice, yet want to be heard.

I feel the sadness because our governors care not for the people.

I feel the hopelessness of the blind as they seek, yet find not.

I feel!

Can you feel?

I cry.

I cry for those without a home.

I cry for those that have no voice.

I cry for our society, our world.

I cry for the blind, physically and spiritually.

I cry!

Can you cry?