Recent events have brought about a delay in my writings; however, I am hoping to resume writing as I can mostly because it is something I enjoy doing. It helps me get the many thoughts in my head out so I can have room for new thoughts. Yes, this creative mind is ever whirling with thoughts, ideas and such.
There are many things that have happened since I lost wrote, most of them involving family and work. Family dynamics can be a challenge to most, but I have learned to not take on a family member’s issues if they do not concern me. I speak my mind when asked, otherwise I keep my thoughts and intentions set to my goals. When someone brings up an issue and they try to place it upon me, I simply state that it is their issue for them to resolve and doesn’t involve me and also say that if they would like guidance in how to resolve it then I would be glad to sit and talk with them.
The other day it was presented that my mother didn’t desire to care for my special cousin Buddy any longer. She provided many excuses, but excuses are just a way of avoiding the truth of any situation. I have found it’s best to just speak the truth and let everyone deal with it in their own way. The truth is easier to keep track of, excuses and lies one has to keep account of or risk being caught in the mental prisons that such things create. I have never thought about being a legal guardian for anyone, especially someone older who requires a lot of attention. I love my special cousin Buddy and want to see him happy. He and I have always had a great relationship, I suppose because I treat him as a person, not to mention we can get into some very interesting conversations. Now the question is should I accept this new responsibility? There are many things involved in this and it wouldn’t be a short-term thing, it’s more of a lifetime commitment to love and properly care for a special person. Because I am traveling so much it would require assistance from my sister and her husband as well. We talked extensively the other night about this and decided that the best approach is to spend a week praying, thinking, and searching our own selves for the answer and then we will meet again to discuss the options. I know that whatever the decision is, I will be making it with regard to the best interest of my special cousin with consideration for what I know I am capable of committing myself to.
Since I have been here with my family I have watched my sister begin the process of changing how she thinks about herself and her life, not to mention how she thinks about other people. I love my sister and long to see her find true happiness and I know in time she will begin to understand and grow to become the wonderful person I know she is.
It seems the biggest lesson that is being taught is the Power of Words, which I have written about before, but I feel the need to express it again now. Thoughts create words, words create intentions (which are energy), and intentions bring things about in the universe. If you understand Biblical stories, then God created the universe by speaking it into existence. It is by the power of His spoken word, His energy, that things are as they are and will be. It is the same with our words. We can create anything, positive or negative, in our lives merely by speaking them into existence. Thus, I believe we should consider our words wisely before speaking them so that we are only calling forth the things we desire in our lives for good. I have been working with my sister to teach her to be mindful of her words because she has learned from generations of our family’s women to speak negatively. I believe she is learning to grasp the concept and see the changes that are being made in her life as she speaks positively about herself and others.
Thought for now: What are you speaking into existence for your own life? What things are you saying about yourself and others, events, or anything? These words can create a beautiful life or Hell on earth. It’s up to you, so choose wisely the words you speak and I encourage you to only call forth positive things for your life.