Over a year ago, shortly after having to reside in Louisiana, I decided to turn my hobby of growing plants into a small business. With my father and sister as partners, we created Lazy L Nursery, LLC. It all began in a small 10' x 20' hobby greenhouse and is now expanding into the 30' x 96' greenhouse. Our first year was a bit slow, however, we were able to get hundreds of perennials started for future use. Most perennials take upwards to over two years before they will be ready for sale, however, most of ours were producing flowers their first year.
The name came from what my grandmother always said she wanted to call the farm - Lazy L - the L represents my grandmother's last name of Lee, not my name of Lynn.
This is our second Winter and the big greenhouse is still under construction so we are using the new 8' x 12' hobby greenhouse (the other one was destroyed in a tornado.) and just constructed a temporary 10' x 20' structure to house all of the plants we are growing for an Austin client.
If you'd like to learn more about the nursery, what we're growing, and how we grow it then please check out the new Lazy L Nursery Blog.