Here are my thoughts, experiences and insights gained through life, travel and people. I'll be sharing information about books, places, and people that have had an impact upon my life's journey. Although it's mainly for my friends and family, I would be honored to have anyone read it and share their positive thoughts.
Friday, December 19, 2008
What's happening?
What is happening with the United States and when are the citizens going to demand a revolution in our government or are they just going to let it be and allow all of the corruption, taxes, and government bureaucracy?
What can I do to make my mother understand the importance of making sure the family property is left to the family and not to her husband?
How do I establish a business that can survive us all well into future generations that will own and manage the family property, that can find ways of generating income from the property without raping it of its resources, and that can protect the family's interests.
Will I ever finish the cabin, as there is still so much left to do?
Will my sister and her family be able to learn to take better care of themselves and their finances, and their property?
I've been longing to travel again and I'm not sure if I will be able to afford to go any where, as I'm spending most of my disability income on building the cabin and buying stuff for the new nursery. I suppose I can just enjoy watching the Travel Channel and dreaming that I'm there.
I spent most of last night researching various business structures and which would be the best for our family, and then finding examples of Operating Agreements, finding out how to file such businesses with the State, what the fees are for filing, and after about 8 hours have finally put together the type of business structure and am now starting to put together the Operating Agreement, the Business Plan, and beginning to discuss it with the family. I've found an Operating Agreement for a Limited Liability Company that will allow the business to operate well into the future with transfers of ownership. I still have to find ways to write into the Deed some restrictions of use for the property so it's protected and managed and not misused and abused.
The nursery will be owned and operated by the LLC and is coming along nicely. We now have a 2' x 20' Hothouse, a 10' x 20' Greenhouse, and a 30' x 96' Greenhouse (this one was recently bought and dad and I are waiting on the rains to stop to go start disassembling it and moving it to the farm and set it up again.). The small greenhouse is just about full, so I'm trying to find ways of arranging the plants to fit more stuff inside. We have seeds started of all sorts and next month I will order some vegetable seeds so we can start those and have them ready for sale in early Spring. The flowers are started and cuttings being made to make more are rooting. We're going to be making creative planters with a combination of plants, growing some interesting flowers not common in our area, and I'm going to try to make some potted bamboo creations where the bamboo is trained into some funny ways. Dad bought a used tractor and a trailer, so now we have two trucks and two trailers to load up and drive around selling plants. My niece and dad have been helping out in the greenhouse and learning how to do things.
My new dog, called Perro (Spanish for dog), is a mixed breed that showed up at the house and won't leave. He's become a great companion and I have to get him and P3, my cat, to the vet soon for shots and spaying and neutering.
I was able to get a new front door, a fancy glass one with the blinds inside the glass, yesterday at Lowe's, along with some other things to work on the cabin. I have to finish hanging some sheet rock and then clean everything out of the cabin to start taping and floating it. The next item will be to get the shower and the on-demand hot water heater bought and installed. After that will be buying the trim pieces for the windows and doors, installing those, painting everything, and then buying and installing the rest of the flooring. Hopefully by the time it warms up some I'll be finished inside and can begin painting the exterior, putting up the skirting, planting the gardens around the cabin, installing walkways.
There are other things that require attention around my sister's home and the greenhouses, such as finishing the circular driveway, cutting down some diseased trees, tilling up the new vegetable garden, completing the Wealth Garden, clearing around the pond, buring the many stumps, raking the leaves, trimming the trees, fixing the road, and so much more. It's frustrating sometimes because I feel like I'm the only one, other than dad, that is even concerned about getting all of these things taken care of, as I believe my sister and her family just aren't concerned about doing what is needed to take care of things. I hope after they resolve their health issues that they will become more active in taking care of things.
My hopes are that in time things will get better both for our family and the country, but for now I'm preparing for the worst. What's happening, I can only answer some of my many questions, can you help me answer the others?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Treasury Bailout Bill Proposal
Section 1. Short Title.
This Act may be cited as ____________________.
Sec. 2. Purchases of Mortgage-Related Assets.
(a) Authority to Purchase.--The Secretary is authorized to purchase, and to make and fund commitments to purchase, on such terms and conditions as determined by the Secretary, mortgage-related assets from any financial institution having its headquarters in the United States.
(b) Necessary Actions.--The Secretary is authorized to take such actions as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out the authorities in this Act, including, without limitation:
(1) appointing such employees as may be required to carry out the authorities in this Act and defining their duties;
(2) entering into contracts, including contracts for services authorized by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, without regard to any other provision of law regarding public contracts;
(3) designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Government, and they shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Government as may be required of them;
(4) establishing vehicles that are authorized, subject to supervision by the Secretary, to purchase mortgage-related assets and issue obligations; and
(5) issuing such regulations and other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to define terms or carry out the authorities of this Act.
Sec. 3. Considerations.
In exercising the authorities granted in this Act, the Secretary shall take into consideration means for--
(1) providing stability or preventing disruption to the financial markets or banking system; and
(2) protecting the taxpayer.
Sec. 4. Reports to Congress.
Within three months of the first exercise of the authority granted in section 2(a), and semiannually thereafter, the Secretary shall report to the Committees on the Budget, Financial Services, and Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committees on the Budget, Finance, and Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate with respect to the authorities exercised under this Act and the considerations required by section 3.
Sec. 5. Rights; Management; Sale of Mortgage-Related Assets.
(a) Exercise of Rights.--The Secretary may, at any time, exercise any rights received in connection with mortgage-related assets purchased under this Act.
(b) Management of Mortgage-Related Assets.--The Secretary shall have authority to manage mortgage-related assets purchased under this Act, including revenues and portfolio risks therefrom.
(c) Sale of Mortgage-Related Assets.--The Secretary may, at any time, upon terms and conditions and at prices determined by the Secretary, sell, or enter into securities loans, repurchase transactions or other financial transactions in regard to, any mortgage-related asset purchased under this Act.
(d) Application of Sunset to Mortgage-Related Assets.--The authority of the Secretary to hold any mortgage-related asset purchased under this Act before the termination date in section 9, or to purchase or fund the purchase of a mortgage-related asset under a commitment entered into before the termination date in section 9, is not subject to the provisions of section 9.
Sec. 6. Maximum Amount of Authorized Purchases.
The Secretary's authority to purchase mortgage-related assets under this Act shall be limited to $700,000,000,000 outstanding at any one time
Sec. 7. Funding.
For the purpose of the authorities granted in this Act, and for the costs of administering those authorities, the Secretary may use the proceeds of the sale of any securities issued under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, and the purposes for which securities may be issued under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, are extended to include actions authorized by this Act, including the payment of administrative expenses. Any funds expended for actions authorized by this Act, including the payment of administrative expenses, shall be deemed appropriated at the time of such expenditure.
Sec. 8. Review.
Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.
Sec. 9. Termination of Authority.
The authorities under this Act, with the exception of authorities granted in sections 2(b)(5), 5 and 7, shall terminate two years from the date of enactment of this Act.
Sec. 10. Increase in Statutory Limit on the Public Debt.
Subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof $11,315,000,000,000.
Sec. 11. Credit Reform.
The costs of purchases of mortgage-related assets made under section 2(a) of this Act shall be determined as provided under the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as applicable.
Sec. 12. Definitions.
For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) Mortgage-Related Assets.--The term "mortgage-related assets" means residential or commercial mortgages and any securities, obligations, or other instruments that are based on or related to such mortgages, that in each case was originated or issued on or before September 17, 2008.
(2) Secretary.--The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Treasury.
(3) United States.--The term "United States" means the States, territories, and possessions of the United States and the District of Columbia. To top of page
First Published: September 20, 2008: 11:33 AM EDT
Bush wants OK to spend $700B
My Comments:
Please note that if this Bill passes then we, our children, our grand children, and up to our grandchildren's grand children will be paying for the wealthiest citizens to live free and happy while the rest of us pay for their Bailout. If you do not take action to prevent this Bill from passing then you deserve what you get and don't be surprised when the rest of us treat you badly for not doing something. This Bill is not acceptable and personally I find it difficult to understand why the American citizens have allowed President Bush to continue to destroy our Country and ruin our government check systems so that he and his wealthy friends can obtain everything they want and allow the others, yes you are the other, to pay for everything they have.
How many zeros in a billion?
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.
A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
D. billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.
While this thought is still fresh in our brain... let's take a look at New Orleans ... It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.
Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D) (Registered Voters in Louisiana should initiate an immediate Recall Petition to get her out of office.) is presently asking Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARS to rebuild New Orleans. Interesting number... what does it mean?
A. Well.. if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each get $516,528.
B. Or.. if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.
C. Or.. if you are a family of four... your family gets $2,066,012.
HELLO! Washington, D. C
Are all your calculators broken??
- Accounts Receivable Tax
- Air (cell phones) Tax
- Building Permit Tax
- CDL License Tax
- Cigarette Tax
- Corporate Income Tax
- Dog License Tax
- Federal Income Tax
- Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
- Fishing License Tax
- Food License Tax
- Fuel Permit Tax
- Gasoline Tax
- Hunting License Tax
- Inheritance Tax
- Inventory Tax
- IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
- IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
- Liquor Tax
- Luxury Tax
- Marriage License Tax
- Medicare Tax
- Property Tax
- Real Estate Tax
- Service charge taxes
- Social Security Tax
- Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
- Sales Taxes
- Recreational Vehicle Tax
- School Tax
- State Income Tax
- State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
- Telephone Federal Excise Tax
- Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
- T elephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
- Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
- Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
- Telephone State and Local Tax
- Telephone Usage Charge Tax
- Utility Tax
- Vehicle License Registration Tax
- Vehicle Sales Tax
- Watercraft Registration Tax
- Well Permit Tax
- Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt...
We had the largest middle class in the world...
and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened?
Can you spell 'politicians!' who have long been left to their own devices and not held accountable.
Isn't it time we, the American citizens, take back charge of our country and hold our elected (key word here, because we elect them and WE can put them out of office) officials accountable to doing what is in the best interest for our country, not their personal interests and bank accounts.
Here are some links to various items related to the proposed $700 Billion Bailout proposed by the illegally elected President Bush:
The 700 Billion Bail-Out: What About Ordinary Americans? - From
Here is the actual Bill that President Bush sent to Congress for Approval. I hope you will read it carefully and then find the link below and contact your Congressional Representatives and let them know you demand that they vote NO or you will begin the Recall Petitions to find representatives that will listen to you.
Treasury's bailout proposal.
The legislative proposal was sent by the White House overnight to lawmakers.
Bush urges passage of $700 billion bailout package - From
There are some interesting and thought provoking comments about this, so please read down through all of the comments.
In Congress, Concern Over $700 Billion Bailout - From National Public Radio
Websites with Information about Finding, Contacting and Learning about Voting Records:
Online Directory for the 110th Congress
Roll Call,
Congressional Email Directory
Project Vote Smart, The Voter's Self Defense System
This is an awesome website and service to help you find your Congressional Representatives, how they vote, what their records are and other useful information to help you know what they are doing.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Should religion govern our country? The 2008 Presidential Election.
Should we, the citizens of the United States, allow our elected (key word here, elected, because we choose who we want to govern) leaders to govern based upon their personal religious views or should they be forced to keep religious views out of government? I believe that everyone should have the right to worship who and what they desire as long as it doesn’t cause harm to others or themselves. However, I do not believe that our elected leaders should govern based upon their personal religious beliefs. The term “separation of church and state” is often used but seldom understood.
The United States Constitution, in the First Amendment, states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This statement doesn’t imply that there is a complete separation of church and state, however, it does imply that our elected leaders shouldn’t place personal religious beliefs over their ability to make decisions for the country as a whole. A true leader takes into consideration the needs of everyone they lead and makes decisions that are in the best interest of their constituency.
Lately there has been a lot of talk from religious leaders (clergy and such) about our current Presidential candidates and I have to question whether it is important for them to even be discussing such things in the media. The focus should be on the qualities the candidates have to govern and lead, their ability to make decisions that are in line with the citizens they were elected to govern, and their record of actions. Selecting a candidate shouldn’t be based upon their religious beliefs!
After listening to McCain, especially after he introduced Sarah Palin and hearing her speak, and Obama and his selection of Biden I’ve made a decision to support Obama, as I believe he and Biden will work for the best interest of the citizens of the United States, work to put the focus back on the United States to improve our country’s reputation, educational system, health care concerns, and they will be able to govern without regard to specific religious beliefs.
As a gay male, a licensed Southern Baptist preacher, a Feng Shui consultant, a rodeo cowboy, a person with AIDS, a concerned citizen, and any of the many “labels” that society needs to place upon people, I find myself in a unique place to make my decisions based upon an understanding and experience of many aspects of life and spiritual development. Yes, I am all of the above and much more. I am concerned about why we, the citizens of the United States, have not demanded that our elected leaders be held more accountable and forced to govern based upon our desires, not upon corporate interests, religious beliefs, or personal interests.
It’s time the United States stopped trying to be the world police, stop the ridiculous “war on terror” (there is now reason for this other than for President Bush’s desire to obtain access to Iraq’s oil and to create fear so he could increase his own power as a president), begin to focus on the needs of our own country, and begin to develop ways of improving our own lives. I’m still surprised that the citizens of the United States haven’t demanded the immediate resignation of President Bush, especially after a rigged election and the number of lies he has presented in order to accomplish the desire of a specific few.
Why do you, yes you, sleep walk through life? Why are you not doing something and speaking your mind about the issues that concern you and our country? Why aren’t you opening your heart to others and learning to live your life with openness, love, acceptance, and action?
I’ve been doing some research and here are some of the sources that have helped me to make my decision about who to elect in 2008:
I’m now very interested in supporting the separation of church and state and have begun my involvement with Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
Obama, about him, from
Obama and his Congressional Voting Record, from the Washington Post
Obama and his Congressional Voting Record, from Project Vote Smart
Biden, about him, from
Biden and his Congressional Voting Record, from Project Vote Smart
Biden and his Congressional Voting Record, from the Washington Post
McCain, about him, from
McCain and his Congressional Voting Record, from the Washington Post
McCain and his Congressional Voting Record, from Project Vote Smart
Sarah Palin, about her from
Sarah Palin’s fitness for office, from The Huffington Post
Sarah Palin’s anti-gay stance, from
Sarah Palin and how she has governed Alaska, from the Bilerico Project
Sarah Palin and her governing record, from Project Vote Smart
I encourage everyone to do the research, to ask questions, and to vote based upon who has the best ability to govern for our interests and concerns, not their personal beliefs, and to actually vote. It’s time we held our elected leaders accountable, so what are you doing to do so?
Are you actively supporting a candidate?
Are you doing the research to gain insight and understanding into the candidates?
There are many resources available, including, to find information about the candidates. Watch the videos and notice how they speak, watch their eyes, body language, and really listen to what they are saying.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Extracting the Sweetness

Late this afternoon an incredible experience transpired. While at the kitchen sink a hummingbird flew straight up to the window, paused, looked at me, hovered in place for a bit, and then flew off. He or she was only a foot away and I could see the iridescent colors, which were beautiful. Shortly after, while I was watering the garden, another hummingbird came over to the flowers, hovered at my eye level for a bit, and then flew off. Not long after the hummingbird had departed a bumble bee started buzzing around my head.
Knowing that animals are here to guide us on our life's journey, I commented to my father that I needed to review the message that these wonderful creatures were presenting to me. I later shared their messages with my father while we enjoyed the quiet country evening on the back deck. I wanted to share those same messages here.
HUMMINGBIRD represents Joy
Hummingbird medicine is herbal; it shows us how to use flowers for healing. They teach us how to draw life essence from flowers and create your own medicines. This totem reminds us to explore the past and extract the sweetness from it. It can help you find joy and sweetness in any situation. Grab joy as swiftly as you can. Hummingbird reminds us to find the joy in what we do and to sing it out.
BEE represents Fertility and the Honey of Life, Accomplishing the Impossible
Bees are the symbol of fertility and sexuality. Its honeycomb, a hexagon, is the symbol of the heart and represents the sweetness of life found within our own heart. It is also the symbol of the sun and all its energies.
The bee reminds us to extract the honey of life and to make our lives fertile (productive) while the sun shines. No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of fulfillment if we pursue our dreams.
If a Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own productivity. Are you doing all you can to make your life more fertile? Are you busy enough? Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not becoming a workaholic?
The Bee is the symbol of accomplishing the impossible. Aerodynamically, its body is too large for its wings and should not be able to fly. Although now we understand how it does fly (high rate of wing movement), the Bee remains a symbol of accomplishing anything you put your mind to.
In Hinduism, the Bee relates to Vishnu, Krishna or Kama, the God of Love. In Egypt, the Bee symbolized royalty. In Greece, it was the symbol of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Celts associated the Bee with hidden wisdom.
Monday, July 28, 2008
MDA Lockup - Help, I'm in Jail!
Please visit her personal MDA Lock Up page to make a donation:
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Building Wealth
Despair, doubt, and feelings wonder flood my thoughts lately. My hopes of having the cabin completed by the end of summer are fading. Living here seems to drain every drop of money I can generate. Before I allow the place I’m calling home to ruin my finances, I’m putting together some solutions to fix the problems with energy. I’m sure some may question my seemingly madness, however, I know what I teach my clients works and I cannot teach it if I do not live it.
I’ve began working on correcting the bad flow of energy off the land through the ‘wealth’ area by creating a Wealth Garden in an old satellite dish, however, I still have to put some more top soil, find some winter plants, and then mulch it. There are plenty of rocks around here, so I will be buying some gold spray paint, painting the rocks to look like gold, and putting a pile of them into a container within the new Wealth Garden to symbolize wealth being saved. After I get this aspect completed I will begin working on creating a crescent moon shaped planter on the ground around the satellite dish, purchase some really nice shrubs, ground covers, and bulbs to plant there, not to mention mulching it. Once these are completed then the next step is to remove two dead trees (dead trees drain energy) near the Wealth Garden, trimming up the trees throughout the area, and mowing it all to keep it looking good.
When I’m in Austin next I will be purchasing some crystals to help draw energy back away from the quick slopping area of land. I believe I may also put a wind chime near the area to call in the wealth that is now being drained away. I’m sure in time others will grow to understand my madness as they see my finances improve, which I know they will when I devote such attention to saving my wealth.
Perhaps in time I’ll be able to finish the cabin, begin working on creating some gardens around it, and hopefully enjoy being here. Lately it seems that there is always something to get accomplished, so for now I’ll keep working and doing all the things needed. I know that I will complete the cabin and that I will enjoy being here, but for now it is a daily struggle to maintain my spirits and slowly work on it.
There are days of joy here, such as today when we all worked together to put up gutters on my sister’s home, when my father and I get to do projects together, and when we all get to play 42. My doubts will fade away, my hopes will be renewed, and my dreams will blossom into something beautiful, however, I have to believe and move forward daily into creating what I want my life here to be.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Lessons Learned from Animals About Life and Living.
"Keeper of the Sacred Law"
Crows are the keepers of the Sacred Law and to have a Crow totem is very powerful.
Personal Integrity are your watchwords and your guide in Life. If you have a Crow totem, your prime path is to be mindful of your opinions and actions. You must be willing to walk your talk, to speak your truth and to know your life's mission.
Crow is a omen of Change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time, therefore, it sees past, present and future simultaneously. Crow merges both light and dark, both inner and outer. It is the totem of the Great Spirit and must be respected as such.
They are symbols of creation and spiritual strength. Look for opportunities to create and manifest the magic of life. Crows are messengers calling to us about the creation and magic that is alive in the world today and available to us.
Over the past few days there have been several animals who have shared their messages with me, so I'll take a moment to share what these animals have shared with me.
A Squirrel appeared to enjoy the seed feast provided when the new bird feeder fell, although I enjoyed his presence for a bit, I did want to remind him that the seeds were for the birds, although I did thank him for his gift:
Warning all by your call.
Discovery, change, bring within my range.
Warnings as free, send to me.
They remind us that in our quest for our goals, it is vital to make time for play and socializing. Squirrel teaches us to conserve our energy for times of need. If your totem is Squirrel or Squirrel has recently entered your life, lighten your load of things that are unnecessary – things that you have gathered in the past and may be cluttering your life – thoughts, worries, and stresses.
Squirrel is also the totem of action. Ask yourself are you too active, not active enough, afraid of enough,
hung up on accumulating and collecting. Squirrel people tend to be a little erratic – trying to do many things at once. Take the time to stop and listen to your inner self – and don’t forget to play!
Also today while working around the new Wealth Garden a Dragonfly (My lifetime animal totem) stopped for a visit and then followed me around:
Illusion, the Power of Light
Dragonfly is the power of light. The dragonfly inhabits two realms: air and water and the influence of both these elements will be felt by Dragonfly people. They will be emotional and passionate during their early years (the influence of water) and more balanced with greater mental clarity and control in as they mature (the influence of air).
Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment; and the communication from the elemental world. Dragonfly medicine beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which need changing. Call on Dragonfly to guide you through the mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation. The number 2 is important to Dragonfly, so think in terms of two year periods when you begin a change. Dragonfly brings the light and color of transformation into your life.
Over the past few days, there have been many Butterflies, a Grey Heron, a Cat (my new charge called P3), and a Bee.
Transmutation, Dance of Joy
The butterfly is the symbol of change, joy and color. It is the symbol of the soul. They remind us that life is a dance,not to take things quite so seriously. They also remind us to get up and move. Dance brings the sweetness of life.
Butterflies bring color and joy to your life. Look at them and remember what joy is in your life, if its a lot or a little, it is still joy. They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to traumatic; it can occur gently, sweetly, joyfully.
If a butterfly totem has shown up in your life, make note of the most important issues in your life, and see what needs to be changed.
Aggressive Self-Determination and Self-Reliance.
A Heron and Egret totem teaches balance; the ability to progress and evolve -- to walk into deeper waters without fear. It is important for someone with a Heron and Egret totem to learn to stand on their own two feet, to become independent and self-reliant.
Heron and Egret has a strong connection to the element of Earth and you must also be aware and cultivate this connection. The Mother Earth is a source of strength and will help you stand strong and firm. Heron medicine allows you to perform many tasks at the same time,
keeping all in balance. If one way doesn't work, then another way will. Heron and Egret people seem to instinctively know this.
Heron people do not need a lot of people in their life and they are often follow non-traditional roles. They feel no need to "keep up with the Jones." They stand out in their uniqueness
and know how to take advantage of things and events that most people wouldn't bother with.
You know what is best for you and you should follow that path. Be aggressive when opportunities present themselves -- don't let them get away from you. Meditation on color will provide insight to Heron and Egret people.
Help me in a my magical endeavors,
Teach me to see my path through dark places,
Help me to sift the necessary from the unnecessary
And to relax and enjoy life.
Strengthened my magic and carry it to its destination.
Mystery, Magic and Independence. A cat totem encourages agility in both body and mind. You will be challenged with new ideas and places. The cat gives you clearer perception.
This spirit helper is resourceful, strong and fearless. It will give you courage and confidence. Examine the colors, character and behaviors of your Cat. Everything about it will reflect in your own life. When a Cat becomes predominant in your life, magic and mystery come alive.
Associated with the Norse Goddess of Fertility Freyja and the Hindu Goddess of Childbirth, Shasthi
and of course, the Egyptian Goddess Bastet who takes the form of a cat.
Fertility and the Honey of Life, and Accomplishing the Impossible.
Bees are the symbol of fertility and sexuality. Its honeycomb, a hexagon, is the symbol of the heart and represents the sweetness of life found within our own heart. It is also the symbol of the sun and all its energies.
The bee reminds us to extract the honey of life and to make our lives fertile (productive) while the sun shines. No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of fulfillment
if we pursue our dreams. If a Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own productivity. Are you doing all you can to make your life more fertile? Are you busy enough? Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not becoming a workaholic?
The Bee is the symbol of accomplishing the impossible. Aerodynamically, its body is too large for its wings and should not be able to fly. Although now we understand how it does fly (high rate of wing movement), the Bee remains a symbol of accomplishing anything you put your mind to.
In Hinduism, the Bee relates to Vishnu, Krishna or Kama, the God of Love. In Egypt, the Bee symbolized royalty. In Greece, it was the symbol of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Celts associated the Bee with hidden wisdom.
If you'd like to learn more about Animal Totems, please visit, which is where all of the above information was obtained.Thursday, May 22, 2008
Don't leave the driving to Greyhound!
Monday, May 12, 2008
The story of how Greyhound Lines, Inc. ruined my 7 month backpacking trip and the hell I went through because of Greyhound corporate policies.
After booking my ticket online, I arrived at the Shreveport Bus station where I at the misfortune of having Gloria, an older lady who apparently has been working at this bus station for a number of years and has gained the reputation of “she’s just mean.” Usually I write down my confirmation numbers for things, however, I didn’t find the Greyhound ticket confirmation number among all the other numbers I wrote down for my trip to Panama. Gloria, who apparently didn’t want to provide any assistance which would take her away from being able to watch her Television show or do anything that required thought wasn’t able to find my ticket information. I’m sure it’s because she didn’t know how to utilize the computer system. Then it was a 15-minute wait on the Greyhound 800 number before I was able to reach a live person to provide assistance. I was finally able to obtain my confirmation number (2969150101) and returned to the then extremely long waiting line at the ticket counter. It seems that Dorothy and Gloria were more involved in having a conversation about personal things and watching the television then assisting customers, and Dorothy kept going back to the other office and didn’t help with the long line of customers. Almost everyone in line was complaining about the bad service. I was finally able to reach the counter after a 20-minute wait and obtain my ticket. I’m not sure what the form was that I signed, but I believed it was the confirmation signature for my ticket purchase.
The time came to board the bus, so again I waited in line. I set my large backpack in the line for the baggage handler to load it on the bus. I waited to watch to make sure it was actually loaded on the bus, which it was along with a number of other bags. Thirteen hours later I arrived in Atlanta, the first stop that required a change of buses and where I was to claim my large backpack so I could check it on the next bus. However, my backpack had been taken off the bus that I was on some where along the trip. I complained at the ticket counter, they sent me to a man in customer service and he sent me to check with a man in the baggage department. My backpack wasn’t to be found. Not one of the employees of Greyhound were concerned that my backpack had been taken off the bus and informed me that I couldn’t file a complaint until I reached my destination. While I was complaining to the baggage handler he proceeded to inform me of Greyhound’s policy about baggage, that they would often remove bags from a bus to make room for their express package deliveries, or other bags and then put the removed bags on another bus which would arrive at a different time than the bus I was on.
On Tuesday, May 13th, I arrived in Orlando, Florida, and wasn’t surprised that my backpack wasn’t there. I complained at the ticket counter and was finally able to get a complaint form, but according to the form it was to be completed by a Greyhound employee and not the customer. I completed the form and handed it to the lady at the ticket counter who just threw it on the counter. The only employee that even tried to provide service was George in Orlando. No one at Greyhound was able to inform me when my backpack would arrive and because I was supposed to be catching a flight early the next morning for Panama I couldn’t wait. Well, this and the fact that while on the bus someone stole my wallet and the bus driver (Cleveland Brown) wouldn’t stop to allow me to file a police report and if he would have stopped then I would have been able to recover my wallet from one of the three people who stole it on the bus. Thus I had to call my family collect to get them to buy a return ticket (Conf. # 3009511701to Shreveport while I awaited my lost backpack and reorder all of the missing items from my wallet. I left Orlando on Greyhound at 8:50 pm that same evening very frustrated, upset, and distraught over the lack of customer service by Greyhound. I could have continued with my trip had my backpack arrived with me, but since I didn’t know when it would arrive I had to return to Louisiana. I arrived Wednesday, May 14th, in Shreveport over an hour late.
Thursday was spent filing a complaint online through the Greyhound online system and trying to reach a live person with Greyhound to find my lost backpack. After a 30-minute wait on the Greyhound 800 number I was given another number to call (214-849-6246 the Package Department). I called and spoke with a woman who provided me a Customer ID number (1377828) so I could always use that number to talk to anyone at Greyhound. She wasn’t able to inform me where my backpack was located so I insisted upon her providing me a number to talk to a supervisor. She gave me 214-849-8218, which is only a recorded message where you can leave a voice message. I left a message and waited for a return phone call. Friday I was even more upset so my sister suggested I call one number up or down from the other number, which I did and was able to reach an operator (she refused to give me her name and said that her name didn’t matter, but I spoke to her at 4:42 pm) and she, like all the other employees of Greyhound, didn’t know what customer service was and refused to help me. She just transferred me back to the voice message system. I called back and asked her to connect with me a live person, I didn’t care whom, but someone who could help me. I finally reached Mrs. Jimmerson in the Executive Offices. Mrs. Jimmerson was reluctant to provide me with her name. I gave her my customer ID number, she looked it up and said that my backpack had arrived in Orlando on May 15th (that’s one whole day after I had arrived and it arrived after I would have caught my flight, the same flight I had to cancel because Greyhound lost my backpack.). I informed her that there was no legitimate reason that my backpack should have been taken off of the bus that I was traveling upon and that my luggage should always be on the same bus I was on. She then stated that it was Greyhound’s policy not to consider luggage lost for 24 to 48 hours after it was reported missing. According to the official Greyhound Package department after they receive a complaint they have 30 days to send you a letter in the mail with your Customer ID number before you would be allowed to contact Greyhound, and I informed Mrs. Jimmerson that that time frame was unacceptable. She said that she would have my bag put on the next bus to Shreveport, but that they would not deliver it to the address where I was waiting. I requested a refund of the two tickets and she told me that Greyhound would not refund for lost baggage. I informed her that if Greyhound was responsible for me not being able to take my 7 month backpacking trip then they were responsible for refunding the ticket prices.
Thus, after several days of calling the Shreveport bus station my backpack arrived today, Thursday, May 22, 2008. Upon my arrival at the Shreveport bus station I didn’t find anyone at the ticket counter. I called out for someone and Dorothy peeked her head around a door and said that I would have to wait 30 minutes because she was on her lunch break. I told her that was unacceptable, especially after everything else I had been through with Greyhound. I could see my backpack sitting just past the counter. I walked around the building looking for a door to go get my backpack, but they were all locked. I returned to the ticket counter and told Dorothy that I supposed I would have to crawl over the counter to get my backpack, and she said she would call the police and have me arrested, I told her to go ahead that I was sure that the media would just love to hear all of this horrible tale, which she was now making worse by refusing to provide any level of service. Angrily she approached the counter and took my baggage claim ticket (DM869597), returned through a side door and threw my backpack on the floor some ways away from where I was standing and then disappeared again. I checked the backpack to make sure everything was still in it and left.
To date I am out the following funds because of Greyhound’s baggage policies, the fact that they lost my backpack, and were responsible for me not being able to make my flight connections:
First Bus Ticket: $68.00
Second Bus Ticket: $168.00
Airline Ticket: $405.00
Change of Airline Ticket: $75.00
It seems that any company that isn’t capable of responsibly handling people’s baggage, and from my research there are many such stories, then they shouldn’t be allowed to operate. It is time that Greyhound was held accountable for the number of people’s lives they have hurt because of their corporate policies.
Therefore I hope you will consider assisting me in a Call to Action against Greyhound. You can read more on the website I’ve created to bring together all of the people affected by Greyhound. Part of the website is to provide a comprehensive listing of other bus services that people can take so no one ever has to take a Greyhound bus again. Either we get Greyhound to change their policies or we run them out of business.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Don't leave the driving to Greyhound!
It's time Greyhound was held accountable, so I'm putting this action together to get everyone who has ever had trouble with Greyhound's bus system to call and complain about their operating procedures, lack of customer service, amount of lost baggage, and anything else you can think of that you, or anyone you may know, want to address with Greyhound Lines, Inc.
Action Dates: June 23 through 27, 2008
Action Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Standard Time (so adjust the times for your time zone.)
I believe if you can post this information in your Blog, on Message Boards, on Forums, or email it to your friends. If everyone then calls, sends letters, creates picket lines outside your local Greyhound station, faxes Greyhound and Laidlaw on June 23 through the 27th, perhaps they will understand just how unhappy everyone is with their bus service. Also, please consider finding and taking another bus service. If you know of a bus service, please list it so others can learn about them. I've listed one below, after all the other information.
Unpublished location of Greyhound's Corporate Offices:
Greyhound Lines, Inc.
Criag Lentzsch, CEO
15110 Dallas Pkwy
Dallas, TX 75248-4635
Do NOT call the listed phone numbers for Greyhound (214-849-8218 is given but only reaches a voice system and it's almost impossible to reach a live person on the 800-231-2222 official Greyhound number.), instead reach a live person by calling any of these unpublished numbers:
Operator with Executive Office: 214-849-8219
Bryan: 214-849-8217
Ursala: 214-849-8215
Safety Dept: 214-849-8214
Claudette: 214-849-8213
Jennell: 214-849-8211
These are the numbers that I was able to reach people, however, you can try to reach other live people by dialing 214-849-82XX (put any number in for the XX)
The Parent Company (the company that owns Greyhound) for Greyhound is:
Laidlaw Inc.
55 Shulman Boulevard, Suite 400
Naperville, IL 60563
Phone: 630-848-3000
Fax: 630-579-6438
Other Bus Services:
Trailways services some areas, so please see this website to see if they service the areas you are traveling:
Another great website to find bus services:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Going with the Flow
When the signs said for me not to stay in Austin then I proceeded to check out other options. The Universe provided a cheap flight to Panama from Orlando, Florida, so I booked it. The Greyhound bus ticket was also amazingly inexpensive, thus I’m here in Shreveport, Louisiana, awaiting my bus to Orlando. It seems that the adventure resumes, but this time I’m a bit more educated about traveling in foreign countries, have an awesome new backpack set, and for some reason I’m nervous, probably because so far this morning everything seems to go wrong. First it was the fact that I didn’t sleep well for having diarrhea, then the auto-stop for the fuel pump didn’t work and caused a huge gas overflow, then when arriving at the bus station the attendant couldn’t find my reservation. After a 15 minute wait I finally reached a live person at the Greyhound’s toll free number to obtain my confirmation number. Gloria, the employee of Greyhound, wasn’t helpful, attentive, or even able to accomplish simple customer service aspects. Even now, while I sit here typing she is chatting and laughing with a co-worker about personal issues while the line of people waiting for tickets continues to grow. Why they only have one person capable of handling customers is unknown. I heard from another lady in line that Gloria has been working in this station for many years and as she said, “she’s just mean.”
I heard a song this morning and one of the lines was “this world is going crazy and I’m not sure if tomorrow is really going to be any better.” That’s the way I’ve been feeling since I’ve been back in the states. Companies don’t seem to care about providing even the slightest level of customer service, employees don’t seem to care about working, managers don’t seem to care much about ensuring their employees work, and the world is going crazy. Is it time for a revolt against the status quo? It seems that most people these days just accept the mistreatment of the various companies that they have to do business with to survive. Perhaps if we all could say NO to this mistreatment then maybe these big companies will have to take notice, but this would require a national boycott.
I’m sure that the day will end well and my traveling adventures will be good, but at the moment I’m just trying to overcome these feelings of angst about this trip. I arrive in Panama City, Panama, Wednesday afternoon and will be staying at Zuly’s Backpackers. I hope to be able to spend about a week exploring Panama before venturing south to South America. The current intentions are to work my passage through the Panama Canal as a line handler so I can get to Columbia. From there I will go as the wind blows to discover the various countries.
My feelings have lightened up some while typing, as people are coming over, sitting down and chat. I’m amazed by the friendliness of poorer people. It’s time to start getting ready to board the bus and I’ve already met several people who will be traveling with me. Even though it may have started off with stress, it’s going to end with the excitement of an adventure.
Tuesday and Wednesday
Adventure was an understatement. First, Greyhound lost my brand new large backpack, which was loaded with new clothes and items for the trip. Second, someone stole my wallet on the bus and the Greyhound driver wouldn’t stop to allow me to call the police and file a report. Thus, I ended up in Orlando, Florida, without any money, no luggage, and distraught over what had happened over the last two days. It didn’t seem to matter to the various Greyhound employees that my backpack was missing, even though I complained to all the people they told me to and even filled out a lost luggage form.
After a collect call to my sister’s home, I was wired some money and they bought a return ticket on Greyhound for me to get back to Louisiana so I could sort everything out. I’m sure I don’t need to mention this, however, I couldn’t make my flight to Panama. Thankfully, Spirit Airlines worked with my sister when she told them about the situation and I have the ticket on hold for a future date of travel.
Now, I’m in Louisiana waiting on new credit cards, going to get a new Social Security card, Medicare card, and driver’s license. It seems I’ll be here a minimum of 10 days while I wait for everything to arrive. There was only one agency, Bank of the Internet USA, that wouldn’t work with my sister, who had power of attorney, or myself when I made requests of them to cancel the current card, replace it and send it to the address where I was located. Instead, Bank of the Internet USA, decided that my “account needed special handling” and decided to close my account instead of providing any level of customer service. Thus, if anyone reads this when you search for Bank of the Internet USA, then I hope you will reconsider opening an account with them, as they are not capable of simple customer service let alone providing any level of regular support for your account.
On the other hand, Washington Mutual Bank has been extremely helpful and has worked hard to provide the help needed during a difficult situation, thus if you are looking for a great bank, please consider WAMU.
My father sent me an email with this message in it and it seems that I needed the reminder to go with the flow:
If the sky above seems cloudy,
And you are left out in the rain,
If you are searching for a rainbow,
But the colors bring you pain,
If your world is not revolving,
And there is no end in sight,
If you are looking for the sunshine,
But all you see is night,
If all around are smiling,
But all you can do is frown,
If you are tired of all this living,
When life just brings you down,
Then look beyond your teardrops,
At the wonders of this land,
The beauty of a flower,
Like velvet in your hand.
Feel the air around you,
The smell of new mown hay,
Laughing children in the park,
The innocence there at play,
Imagine floating with a butterfly,
As she flutters between the trees,
Or the whispers of the ocean,
On warm hot summer's breeze,
Think of the taste of candy floss,
As it melts upon your tongue,
Or the melody of morning birds,
As they greet each day with song,
Remember words of beauty,
Told in your mother's embrace,
Feel the gentleness of her touch,
As she softly kissed your face,
Seek the good within you,
Cast the clouds from your sky,
Don't look toward the pavement,
But hold your head up high,
Think not what life owes you,
But of all you have to give,
Forget about tomorrow,
Then you can start to live.
So bless this age you are living in,
With the gifts you can bestow,
Don't disregard the stream of life,
Go gently with the flow.
Author Unknown
Monday, April 07, 2008
Finding Support or Encouragement
Most people have never understood who I am, some never tried, and yet, can I blame them when there have been times in my life that I didn't understand what my motivations were. During my 5 months of backpacking through Central America something changed in me, or was it that I rediscovered the strengths I had when younger but that had been lost because of so many perceived failures. Whatever it was, I'm now at a point in my life where I really know myself, am willing to stand up and do something again, to open up to new friendships, and to a point where I've accepted the person I am, including all of the negative (or perceived negative) aspects of my life.
Few, if any, have ever seen the many nights of tears, the long sleepless nights questioning my very existence, or known the troubles of my mind as I have sorted through my life. I'll admit, I haven't tried very hard to let anyone know about my struggles, and would only tell people, "I don't think you could handle being inside my head for a moment as it might make you go insane." I've always internalized everything in my life, and kept my fears from everyone, fears, hurts, pains, etc. Now, I'm ready to open my life and try to let people see what really goes on inside my head, my heart, and know the real me. However, are they ready? Are they true friends or not? Can they see past whatever conceived ideas they might have about me to discover the changes in my life now?
I'm not sure where my life is leading me these days. I have never wanted to extend my life, as I haven't liked it on many occasions throughout the years, but now I am talking with my doctor about taking HIV medications, seeking ways of improving my health, working on mending broken family ties, trying to be a concerned and honest friend, and I'm actually wanting to live. I know this thought doesn't resonate with my friends or family that have been through my life with me, however, rediscovering myself has brought about such changes in my life and how I think about myself that I'm ready to move forward into that vast unknown, not with dread of the past, but with a hope for what might be in the future.
I haven't thought very highly of myself over the last many years since I left Louisiana, because I know I wasn't following a true path, instead I was avoiding my issues by indulging in the dark side of sensual pleasures, doing drugs, and feeling sorry for myself. Even when I left Austin to go to Central America I had shut down and couldn't function, I had given up completely, ready to end it all. I couldn't find a way to forgive myself for years of neglect, pain, and avoidance. I came alive while backpacking, realized that I had the ability to do anything, learned to be open about who I was, and returned to the states a different man. At least within my own thoughts and beliefs I've changed or returned to a true path, however, others cannot see that yet.
I suppose when those that are closest to you can only see the image that has been created over the years, then it may be difficult for them to see, or accept, that there could be an altered image now. I cannot fully express the tears that fell today when I tried to talk to my best friend about the new project, and how it has been achieving something that I know is far beyond me, and seeking his advice and support, instead only receiving what I felt like was lip service. He's been my best friend for a long time now, but lately I've noticed more and more changes in our relationship, discovered what his real thoughts are about me, and have begun to question the status of our relationship. I get to see him on Wednesday and will find the words to speak with him about how I felt today.
The child within has grown up, perhaps not to full adult age, but he has grown. That lonesome, fearful, hurt, and ashamed child now seeks acceptance, forgiveness and love in a world that now seems foreign, uncertain, and challenging. Through working on the new project I've grown as well, right along with that inner child, holding hands together, and finding assurance within each other. I'm afraid, nervous, and unsure of where this new project will take me, however, I do know it's something that I cannot escape or run from at this point. It has become the one guiding factor for my existence now, that driving force, and something that isn't about me.
I've been brought to tears a lot of late, tears of joy, of amazement, of loneliness, of personal skepticism, and of fear. Other people are getting to know the person they see working on the project, that creative mind (as I've been known to be called), and they have shown such compassion, encouragement and support to rival anything I have known before. I'm sure it's the project itself and not me that draws their support, but maybe they see something deeper within myself that is only now finding it's own voice and place in the world. Whatever it is, the project or my own energy, I'm thankful for the love.
Daily doubting my own abilities and talents, I've begun to work harder to be true to myself, to speak my concerns, and to be open with people. I know I may not be the person who can carry this new project forward into the acclaim it has been receiving, but I know that I can find the people who can help it achieve it's calling. I'm going along for the ride, enjoying every minute of the refreshing atmosphere, to see where all of this will lead. Who's along for the ride with me? Who cares enough to see into the heart of a man that has long lived in fear and pain?
Welcome to my world, now you've seen what goes on inside my head all of the time, and I've only shown a portion of it here. But if anyone wants to get involved in helping me to take my project to it's next level, then please visit my project's website: Hopefully through this project we all might discover our true selves and learn to laugh, share and live openly.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
A Leader or Just Being
I don't often consider myself a leader in any regard, but from the communications I've been receiving of late, it seems maybe I am, or at least I'm inspiring others. Perhaps a leader is someone who inspires others to accomplish things. Well, here is the one story.
My Story for (TIG)
The question was what inspires me:
Creativity, honesty, openness, directness, compassion, intelligence, and freedom inspire me and have throughout my now 45 years. These are qualities I find true in myself and honor them in others when they exhibit such. Creativity, such as in art, always inspires as I gaze upon the beauty, talent, and mind of the artist. Honesty, when expressed through love, is valued amongst my friends, and even when it might slip out through anger. Openness because I believe we should all be open about our lives because it allows us to live freely without fear. Directness may not suit everyone, however, I find it easy for then I know what another is really thinking. Compassion and intelligence go hand and hand for me in that we should have both so that our lives are led with our minds but guided by our hearts. Freedom, being able to do, say, or just be, perhaps is the one thing that has kept my life in constant change, but the one thing I know that guides my path.
What projects am I involved with :
While attending a bi-annual PWA (people with AIDS) camp out, sponsored by the PWA Holiday Charities of Houston, Texas, I and some others were sitting and talking when someone mentioned they had just started dating someone. We all asked, ‘have you had “The Conversation”?’ This term, as some of us have affectionately started calling it, is about disclosing our HIV status. During this little time of chat the idea of a book came about, being that there wasn’t one about the topic, and being that I felt I had something to give to the world, I started working on developing a book. The early beginnings were crude, and some aspects still are, but “The Conversation” is taking off and finding its supporters and participants. I’m retired due to having HIV and Neurosyphilis, something uncommon in these days, and now have an AIDS diagnoses. Thus, I work almost full time on developing the book, along with a film project, seeking people to volunteer their stories, to create their own video shorts, and to promote the project’s work. I’m amazed at the responses and support the project has received, as I didn’t really think about how it would be in reality, just a belief that there was a story to tell that hadn’t been told. Perhaps a hope of being able to live in a world where I can freely talk about my HIV status without worrying if I would loose my job, my health benefits, and family and friends. I don’t know where all of this is leading now, but the universe is taking the energy that I’ve put forth and letting it find its own end, so for now I’m doing my part and enjoying the ride down this river of life.
What do I think makes a good leader:
Leadership, there are some who are taught to lead, others who have a natural ability to lead, and yet others who lead through action or verse. I believe anyone can lead, it’s just a matter of believing in something and working for that cause, that thought, that intuition. Anyone who leads, I believe and because I have lead four companies now, along with being a leader in the military, should have knowledge, compassion, understanding, strength of character, a belief in one’s self, and above all else honesty. I don’t consider myself a leader, although life has put me in that position often, probably because I still doubt that I can make a difference or lead anyone anywhere. But I know, from my own experiences and the comments from others, that I am a leader simply because I believe in something, have talents, and apparently born to do something.
Is there anything that TIG can do to help me achieve my work and have they helped:Oh, yes, as I scream this loudly. Taking It Global has helped me achieve part of my goal of getting the word out about my project, not to mention providing great resources and leads to others who might want to be involved in “The Conversation”. I greatly respect Janet (I’m not sure of her profile name on here, something I suppose I will go find out), who has been promoting the project and sending me the responses she obtains from others. I suppose there are other ways that TIG could help, but by just having this wonderful resource here to connect, share and learn has been incredible. I’ve created a Blog, a Group, and even been making new friends. Perhaps the greatest blessing would be to have TIG promote the project to a publisher (as I haven’t found one yet who is interested) or helping me to find ways of getting funding for the film project. If anyone knows of ways I can reach resources for either of these I would be grateful. I suppose the new age of technology can be something wonderful, and TIG is doing something awesome and I’m glad I can be a part of it all.